The place of women in the field of public relations is quite a controversial issue studied mainly in the world, but little has been researched on it in Turkey. The development of public relations in Turkey has occurred with the joint efforts of male and female public relations practitioners. Male Escort Salary Sydney, it is possible to state that nowadays women are more involved in the public relations work. The purpose of this study is to get the perspectives of academics working in public and private universities, practitioners working in agencies and companies, and representatives of two professional organizations that are active in Istanbul on women and public relations in Turkey. In this study, the aim is to discuss the issue in a broader range by involving different perspectives with detailed data from each of these three groups. In this respect, interviews were conducted with 11 people who are working in the field of public relations for 20 years or more in Istanbul. Although participants indicated that the number of women working in the field was generally higher, they stated that the public relations was not a profession that is specific to women by staying away from a gendered discourse. The development of public relations in Turkey has been reported as atypical compared to other countries in the sense that Turkish women public relations practitioners have top level positions as well. Halkla ilişkiler alanında kadının yeri, dünyada oldukça tartışılan bir konu olmasına rağmen ülkemizde yeteri kadar incelenmemiştir. Ancak günümüzde halkla ilişkiler işlerinde daha çok kadınların yer aldığını söylemek mümkündür. Çalışma kapsamında her üç gruptan da detaylı veriler elde ederek, konuyu geniş bir alanda ve farklı bakış açıları doğrultusunda tartışmak hedeflenmiştir. Katılımcılar, genel olarak alanda çalışan kadınların sayısının daha fazla olduğunu belirtmekle birlikte, cinsiyetçi bir söylemden uzak durarak halkla ilişkilerin kadınlara özgü bir meslek olmadığını belirtmiştir. Konferans Bildirisi. EN TR. PDF Kütüphaneme Ekle ×. Araştırma Oluştur Male Escort Salary Sydney. Öz The place of women in the field of public relations is quite a controversial issue studied mainly in the world, but little has been researched on it in Turkey. Kaynakça Aldoory, L. Journal of Public Relations Research, 14 2— Aldoory, L. Alsaqer, L. Public Relations Review, 34 177— Andsgaer, J. Public Relations Review, 31 185— Bıçakçı, A. Milestones in Turkish Public Relations History. Public Rela- tions Review, 39 291— Broom, G. Public Relations Review, 8 317— Advancement for Public Relations Role Models. Public Rela- tions Review, 12 137—56 Brown, J. Unpublished Master The- sis. Derosa, D. Pub- lic Relations Review, 15 180— Dozier, D. Delusions vs.
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