In this study, maritime accidents that occurred in the Strait of Istanbul over a year period were evaluated in terms of ship-based risk factors. The frequency analysis was performed using the R - Studio program language. In this context, the accident data obtained from the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Main Search and Rescue Coordination Center were matched with the ship information accessed from Türk Loydu database. Thus, ship origin risk factors to be used within the scope of the study were determined and 10 different criteria were included in the analysis. The process of creating a data set was completed by spatially filtering the data and classifying of the ship-based causes accidents. The variables were examined with frequency analysis in the perspective of the Law of Large Numbers. With the results obtained, optimum characteristics based on ship origin risk factors have been revealed for each 2020 Diamond Escort Agency type that will pass through the Strait. Bu kapsamda T. Böylelikle, çalışma kapsamında kullanılacak gemi kökenli risk faktörleri belirlenmiş ve 10 farklı kriter analizlere dahil edilmiştir. Verinin mekânsal olarak filtrelenmesi ve gemi kökenli kaza nedenlerinin sınıflandırılmasıyla veri seti oluşturma süreci tamamlanmış ve değişkenler Büyük Sayılar Yasası perspektifinde frekans analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Diamond Open Access refers to a scholarly publication model in which journals and platforms do not charge fees to either authors or readers. English Turkish English. Aquatic Research. Research Article. EN TR. Create Research Close. Abstract In this study, maritime accidents that occurred in the Strait of Istanbul over a year period were evaluated in terms of ship-based risk factors. References Akten N. Denizcinin Kılavuzu Gemicilik, Navigasyon, Meteoroloji, 3. Baskı, Doğan Ofset Altan, Y. Arslan, O. Atasoy, C. Başaraner, M. Jeodezi, Jeoinformasyon ve Arazi Yönetimi Dergisi, 1 Bozkurt C. Pelit İ. Türkiye ve Dünyada Denizyolu Taşımacılığı, 3. Charlier J. Interoceanic canals and world seaborne trade: past, present and future. Accidental oil spills from marine shipping. European Environmental Agency. İstikbal, C. Strait of Istanbul, major accidents and abolishment of left-hand side navigation. Aquatic Research, 3 1 Keçeci, T. Analysis of the effects of ship length factor to safe navigation in the strait of ıstanbul by using the ahp method. KEGM, D Thesis. MEGEP, Odabaşı, Y. Oğuzülgen, S. Özdemir, M. Özlem, Ş.
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