Ömer Ekmekcioğlu ve Dr. Umut Fırat, Prof. Tayfun Akgül danışmanlığında tamamladığı doktora çalışmasıyla The best part of my experience in this university is that it introduced me to so many beautiful souls that I m lucky enough to call them friends. I have had the best experiences of my life here. The professors are extraordinary and amazing advisors. Thankful and lucky for being part of it. The exciting double major programs, the very generous support by our dear professors who are just a phone call away, İTÜ cutting edge laboratories, gorgeous campuses, friendly staff, positive atmosphere and majestic infrastructure has made it possible to cultivate researchers and entrepreneurs who are matchless amongst their peers. It's a great pleasure to be part of the İTÜ family. I love everything about it: the culture, the location in the center of Istanbul, the beauty of the campus, the people, and the high quality education. To me, İTÜ is the heart of innovation full of resources and opportunities. Now, I feel more confident and determined for my future endeavour. It was a place which shaped us to creative, innovative, and motion-driven leaders of tomorrow by providing us with opportunities that nurtured our dreams and goals to achieve the impossible! And as an international student who was miles away from home, I always felt that I had a second home to always rely on. And that home was İTÜ! It is hard work but very interesting with many opportunities and being academically strong. I am meeting a lot of new people and having excellent discussions about technology and science. At İTÜ, I am learning something new each and every day. İTÜ taught me that. Students and professors are welcoming and the school offers plenty of courses, extracurricular activities, talks, and workshops that helped me explore my interests and make the most of my student years. Also, living in Istanbul, a city that always offers something new to do, has helped my personal development significantly. Bee or not to be. I have to emphasize that the importance of this research was realized at İTÜ which brought about new job opportunities for me. Furthermore, life at İTÜ changed my social activities and also lifestyle. I made new and unforgettable friends from all across the globe here as well. İTÜ widely opened to me many doors for knowledge, planted the love of science in me and enriched me with many skills that I will appreciate forever. I would like to thank the university management, professors, classmates and everyone who puts a contribution to raise the name of our great university. İTÜ mensubu akademisyen, öğrenci ve idari personellere sunulan yazılım hizmetleri portalı. İTÜ yerleşkelerinde Twitter Turkce Piç Amcık bina ve birimlerin harita üzerinde gösterildiği harita. Öğretim üyelerinin Twitter Turkce Piç Amcık, akademik bilgilerini, çalışmalarını paylaşabileceği bir platformdur. VETİ ile daha kolay ve etkin bir şekilde form oluşturabilir, yetkili kullanıcılar tanımlayabilir. İTÜ öğrencilerine ve eğitmenlerine öğrenme sürecini destekleyecek bir elektronik ortam Twitter Turkce Piç Amcık. İTÜ mezunları arasındaki ilişkileri daha etkin kılmak, etkinlik ve projeleri mezunlarımıza ulaştırmak. Toggle navigation. Dünyada En Yeşil Kampüs. En İyi Üniversite. Dünyada aralığında En İyi Üniversite.
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