İçeriğe atla. There are currently names in this directory beginning with the letter a. A rolling stone gathers no moss Yuvarlanan taş yosun tutmaz. A-bomb atom bombası. MS, milattan sonra. Aaronical Yahudiliğe göre ilk yüksek haham olan Aaron'a değişli. Abkhas Abhaz, Abhazca. Abkhazia Abhazya. Abkhazian Abhaz, Abhazca. Geriye dön! Abyssinia Habeşistan. Abyssinian Habeş. Accra Akra. AD MS, Milattan sonra, ilan, reklam. Adam Adem. Adam's apple gırtlak çıkıntısı, Adem elması. Addison's disease Adison hastalığı. Aden Aden körfezi. Admiralty Amirallik Dairesi. Adrianople Edirne. Adriatic Adriya Denizi. Aegean Ege. Aegean Sea Ege Denizi. Afghan Afganlı, Afgan, Afganca, bir çeşit yün atkı veya battaniye. Afghanistan Afganistan. Africa Afrika. African Afrikalı. Airedale iri teriyer türü. Albania Arnavutluk. Albanian Arnavut. Albion ingiltere. Aleppo Halep. Aleppo pine Halep çamı. Alexandria iskenderiye. Algeria Cezayir. Algerian Cezayirli. Herkes gemiye!
İngilizce Sözlük
kucakta sevişmek ingilizcesi let's have sex, let's sleep together. To simulate sexual intercourse without the genitalia directly touching, i.e. while wearing clothes. dry-hump teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı. let's make love. İngilizce - İngilizce. let's have sex, let's sleep together teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı. English - Turkish DictionaryAbkhas Abhaz, Abhazca. The tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes can be harvested and expanded in vitro and reinfused into the autologous host. Öylece kal! Atlantic Atlas Okyunusu. Although twinning seems to be familial, no definite genetic pattern has been determined. Understanding the structure of the DNA molecule helps to clarify its function in protein synthesis.
Eş anlamlılar
To simulate sexual intercourse without the genitalia directly touching, i.e. "kucak" metninin İngilizce çevirisi. İngilizce - İngilizce. commentary tefsir; çıkma haşiye. lap · embrace. let's have sex, let's sleep together teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı. Ad Sıfat. domestic commerce iç ticaret. dry-hump teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı. while wearing clothes. chamber of commerce ticaret odası. let's have sex, let's sleep together. commerce -- ticaret; toplumsal ilişkiler; cinsel ilişki. let's make love.The structure of renal tubular epithelial cells varies considerably at different levels of the nephron, to a certain extent, correlates with function. İngilizce—Japonca Japonca—İngilizce. Chronic renal failure, characterized by prolonged symptoms and signs of uremia, is the end result of all chronic renal diseases. Candida causes cutaneous eczematoid lesions in most areas of the skin. Communicable diseases pass quickly from one person to another. Although developmental defects in the esophagus are uncommon, they must be corrected early, since they are incompatible with life. One molecule of water is inserted at the bond between each pair of amino acids in the hydrolysis of protein. Not knowing the cause of a disease complicates its prevention. Coronaviruses are pleomorphic enveloped viruses that have large club-shaped projections crowns. Obstetrics: contraception. Blockage of the main portal vein may be insidious and well tolerated, or it may be catastrophic and potentially lethal event. İngilizce—Hollandaca Hollandaca—İngilizce. Epidemiology is concerned with the spread of diseases among people in a community. The confluence of the biliary tree is the common bile duct. Ap nisan, on iki havariden biri. Plague causes lymph node enlargement, pneumonia, or sepsis, all with a striking neutrophilia. Endocrine glands secrete hormones directly within the body. Those two countries are at war. Monozygous twins are called identical twins. Asia Asya. Accra Akra. Growth of cancer cells is rapid. Ask her herself Bizzat kendisine sorun. Assuming that a genetic susceptibility predisposes to autoimmune destruction of islet cells, what triggers the autoimmune reaction? Diagnosis of a genetic disorder can be accomplished by either the direct or the indirect approach. Bowen disease occurs in the genital region of both men and women, usually in those over the age of 35 years. Pasteur demonstrated that infectious illnesses were caused by particular bacteria, many of which could be eliminated by moderate heating pasterurization of milk and other liquids. Addison's disease Adison hastalığı. In some individuals, sudden standing causes a fall in. Medicine is helpful in curing illnesses.