Official websites use. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. The evaluation of the first Bahname written in Turkish in the Ottoman Era concerning current urology. Turk J Urol. Our study investigated the oldest known Turkish bahname, translated by Musa b. First, the original manuscript of the translation was transcribed in Latin. The final version of the text was analyzed in the results. In discussion, findings were examined and interpreted within the framework of current knowledge of sexology, urology, and andrology. Although the work mostly mentions supportive and therapeutic practices in sexual health, it also provides advice on sexuality and sexual life, discussing several topics regarding sexual intercourse types, explaining which ones are good or harmful, and their timing or frequency. The author recommends many foods and compounds or specific drugs and ointments to enhance sexual stamina and avoid erectile dysfunction. In addition, he also tries to find solutions to some other sexual health problems related to men and women. These issues are generally evaluated in the context of health; a religious perspective is also provided when needed. Nevertheless, some information and suggestions in works are entirely irrational and unscientific. Consequently, this study is an original investigation of Why Do I Go Soft During Sex first translated bahname into Turkish. There is no other study examining the bahnames with this method. Thus, we believe that our work will be a significant contribution to the research literature. This is the first study that investigated the bahnames in comparison with the current literature. The author recommends many foods and compounds, or specific drugs and ointments, consistent with the current literature, to enhance sexual stamina and prevent erectile dysfunction. The author synthesized empirical information with experiences from the past in the bahname while dealing with sexual life and sexual health issues. The bahnames, an essential part of the Islamic medical corpus, generally address sexuality, sexual behavior, sexual dysfunctions, and protective, supportive, and therapeutic applications in this field. Additionally, such books may include social issues such as sexual life, family institution, marriage and pregnancy, measures to facilitate or prevent conception, problems during pregnancy, medical information about newborn children, and even child-rearing and upbringing. Many physicians wrote such works in different periods of Islamic and Ottoman medical history. Ali Haydar Bayat identified 45 different bahnames across all periods of Islamic civilization, including 21 in Arabic, 6 in Persian, and 14 in Turkish. Dawla in the Why Do I Go Soft During Sex century. Additionally, the first known Turkish bahname in the Ottoman Empire is the translation by Musa b. Among the Bahnames in Ottoman era, especially those presented to the Sultanes are decorated with colorful miniatures, while those written for the public include no pictures or figures. The Bahname-i Padişahi translated by Murat b. Mesud is one of the first examples of the Ottoman era. Unlike most of the bahnames, it does not contain pictures and figures. Bahnames included more figures and became more pornographic after the nineteenth century. In this study, we submit the transcription of an original text in the Ottoman medical history and its comparative evaluation with the current literature. Therefore, we did not require any Ethics Committee Approval, and such a study is not within the scope of Clinical Research Ethics Committees. The chapter and folio numbers mentioned in our study for the bahname that was translated by Musa b. Cover image of the copy registered at the Library of Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine under call number Parts that could not be read due to the damages were read from the copies of the Suleymaniye Library, Sehid Ali Pasha Library, and the National Library and added to the transcription text. The final version of the transcribed text was analyzed in the results.
Keywords : MRI , Semirigid penile prosthesis , Fracture Turkish Abstract Semirijid ve şişirilebilir protezler erektil disfonksiyon tedavisinde kullanılmaktadır. Plural and Possessive Names: A Guide. These include:. Send us feedback. It is claimed that certain behaviors, such as delaying urination after sexual intercourse despite feeling the need, running constantly and walking too much, sweating profusely in the bathhouse, or staying awake at night too long, when becoming repetitive practices and habits weaken the male genitalia. Open in a new tab.
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The aim of the present work has been to determine the accuracy of using the measurements of paranasal sinuses as a method for sex estimation. Our study investigated the oldest known Turkish bahname, translated by Musa b. • HPV is passed from one person to another through skin-to-skin contact of the genitals during. Artificial lubricants can enhance arousal, increase pleasure, keep the vaginal skin soft, and most importantly, reduce friction during penetration. Increased. Mes'ud, in comparison with the current literature. Not all types of HPV cause cervical cancer.Pros: - Silicone-based lubricants last longer than other types and require fewer reapplications. Current scientific information on a few of these will be presented here:. Phrases Containing intimate. Thus, we believe that our work will be a significant contribution to the research literature. Then, the author specifies 6 pleasures for people: the senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch, and the sixth one is sexual intercourse. Some complications are known to occur related to penile implants. Telefon Numaranız. Additionally, such books may include social issues such as sexual life, family institution, marriage and pregnancy, measures to facilitate or prevent conception, problems during pregnancy, medical information about newborn children, and even child-rearing and upbringing. In addition, other simple drugs such as amber, clove, and poppy are mentioned in the bahname. MRI is a valuable imaging modality, which does not require ionizing radiation, to detect penile implant fracture particularly if there is clinical doubt. These may dry out quickly and, due to glycerin, can promote vaginal yeast infections. Still imaging techniques are beneficial to evaluate the prosthesis and to plan the approach if surgery is necessary. Akand et al. Submitted : Blossom Word Game Pick the best words! This is the first study that investigated the bahnames in comparison with the current literature. Similarly, Galangal Galanga officinalis increases the percentage of normal sperm, vitality, motility, and testosterone levels 20 ; administered orally, according to the current literature, it significantly increases the total motile sperm count. Nevertheless, some information and suggestions in works are entirely irrational and unscientific. Bahnames included more figures and became more pornographic after the nineteenth century. Indeed, modern urology shows that prolonged cycling can adversely affect erectile function. Moncada et al. The author recommends many foods and compounds or specific drugs and ointments to enhance sexual stamina and avoid erectile dysfunction. Lubricants without glycerin are less likely to cause irritation and tend to have a longer shelf life. Copy Citation. The chapter and folio numbers mentioned in our study for the bahname that was translated by Musa b. It is explained that the weather is warm in the spring, and the blood is warm and soft at work. If you use sex toys, opt for water-based lubricants. Share the Definition of intimate on Twitter Twitter. Olive oil may have benefits for fungal infections, but other oils can increase vaginal bacterial growth.